Celebrating The Wonder of The Season
Here we are, fully immersed in December. How time flies! It’s hard to believe that 2014 is coming to an end and that a new year is nipping at our heels.
This is the time of year where hearts and minds shift to family and friends as we celebrate those things that are truly important to us. And although the chaos and busyness of the season can be overwhelming at times, the holidays have a magical way of bringing people together with good food, brightly-wrapped gifts… and way too much of Uncle Larry’s “secret recipe” eggnog.

What are your most treasured traditions?
Perhaps you take a jaunt to the Christmas tree lot every year to bicker over the best tree. Maybe your co-workers throw the best White Elephant party ever (because who doesn’t need/want a nose-hair trimmer?). Or it could be the collective groan that occurs every time your family snuggles on the couch and watches the scatterbrained Uncle Billy carelessly hand over a wad of cash to Mr. Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life.
Some of our employees share their favorites here:
- Jessica: Our family loves Elf on a Shelf. The kids get excited each morning to find Eddie in a new spot.
- Courtney: The first weekend in December, our family goes out into the woods to cut down a tree. We BBQ over a campfire and then go home to decorate our find.
- Jayme and Joely (sisters): Christmas Eve is all about homemade pizza with family.
- Matt: We make sushi on Christmas Eve. On Christmas and New Year’s Day, we do something together outside (skiing, snowmobiling, hiking).
Cheers to making memories, sharing stories, and celebrating the wonder of the season with family and friends!
One of the real joys for us this time of year is the opportunity to share our gratitude to those who helped make the past year so wonderful…. our patients. Thank you for your support and patronage in 2014. It’s been a pleasure to serve you.
We wish you nothing but continued health and happiness in the New Year.
Merry Christmas!