Emergency Dental Care

24/7 Emergency Dentistry in Redmond, Oregon

Are you experiencing severe dental pain? Do you have a knocked-out or broken tooth or something else causing oral discomfort that requires urgent relief? Contact our office and our team of dental professionals will compassionately assist you during this difficult moment.

Daytime Hours: (541) 548-8175


Accidents can happen to anyone, regardless of the time or place. If you sustain an injury on your teeth or gums, you must get dental treatment as quickly as possible. It’s not only to remedy the pain you will surely feel, but also to ensure there’s no permanent damage to your teeth, gums, and jaw. As with any emergency medical situation, immediate treatment is paramount.

Don’t delay when you or someone you know needs urgent dental care. Reach out to Redmond Dental Group. We encourage patients to call right after the incident so that we can arrange a check-up with our emergency dentist as soon as possible.


Oral infections

Oral injuries as a result of physical trauma (e.g., forceful impact from collisions, sporting accidents, tripping or falling).

Examples are:

  • Tooth loss
  • Tooth displacement
  • Torn and bleeding gums
  • Chipped, cracked, or shattered teeth

Damaged dental appliances or treatments

Examples are:

  • Cracked or loosened dental crown
  • Chipped filling

Add Redmond Dental Group’s contact number in your contacts so that you can call our emergency dentists in Redmond whenever the need arises.

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